Michael Backes

Michael Backes

Founding Director and Chairman

CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security


Research homepage

Current Members

Junjie Chu
Junjie Chu
PhD student
Vincent Hanke
Vincent Hanke
PhD student
Hai Huang
Hai Huang
PhD student
Yukun Jiang
Yukun Jiang
PhD student
Mingjie Li
Mingjie Li
Yiyong Liu
Yiyong Liu
PhD student
Yugeng Liu
PhD student
Yihan Ma
Yihan Ma
PhD student
Yiting Qu
Yiting Qu
PhD student
Xinyue Shen
Xinyue Shen
PhD student
Wai Man Si
Wai Man Si
PhD student
Wenhao Wang
Wenhao Wang
PhD student
Xun Wang
Xun Wang
PhD student
Rui Wen
Rui Wen
PhD student
Yixin Wu
Yixin Wu
PhD student
Yuan Xin
Yuan Xin
PhD student
Ziqing Yang
Ziqing Yang
PhD student
Rui Ye
Rui Ye
PhD student
Minxing Zhang
Minxing Zhang
PhD student
Yang Zou
Yang Zou
PhD student

Alumni of my group (PhD students and Postdocs only)

The current position in the following list of former PhD students and postdocs is to the best of my knowledge and will potentially be outdated over time. The list does not include the around 100 Bachelor and Master students that I supervised in the last 20 years.